Commitment, Assurance, Reliability & Experience

COVID-19 Business Update, March 20, 2020

Commitment, Assurance, Reliability & Experience

Following another week of unprecedented events, I would like to update you on Santos Dumont’s response and current operations regarding the COVID-19 outbreak.

Having worked through other global market crisis events in the past, I want to offer our assurance that we have put in place appropriate measures to support your business effectively over the coming months as we all work through the evaluation, retool and rebound phases.

Our priority these past weeks has been to review and respond to all health and safety guidelines required to protect the well-being of our employees, partners and clients. As a result of our combined efforts, I am happy to report that our team (employees and contractors) are all working to full capacity on a range of matters on behalf of our clients in this very challenging environment for the aviation community.

While we cannot directly influence many aspects of this crisis, Santos Dumont is well positioned to adapt and respond on a wide range of issues impacting our industry, and we are in communication with many of the key participants (airlines, aircraft and engine lessors, financiers, investors, legal firms, accountancy firms, MROs and OEMs), actively managing assets and monitoring new developments.

Our offices in Dublin and Bogotá are in a position to play a central and co-ordinated role in assisting you on a wide range of matters as they develop over the coming weeks and months. We have an experienced team of technical and commercial professionals with deep connections in the wider aviation industry who can respond to many of the challenges our industry face. In addition to the core technical capability on the ground in various locations, we are positioning experienced teams in various locations, in conjunction with our partner network, to offer key strategic operational and commercial support on issues as they arise. Our goal remains to provide support to you throughout this period in line with local operating conditions and regulatory guidelines.

Please reach out to me or any of your normal contact personnel directly as and when you identify where our specialist resources would be helpful. We look forward to getting through this together.



Santos Dumont


4th Floor, Grattan House, 67-72 Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2, Ireland