Value protection

Value protection

Our Engine Services team provide dedicated life cycle management services to the aviation industry and have extensive on-lease management and MRO experience.

In 2014, Santos Dumont decided to invest in a dedicated engines team across key functions of workscoping, table top inspection, quality, documentation and MRO event management.

The Santos Dumont proprietary forecasting and cost management systems enable our team to bring years of experience to bear using leading progressive technologies.

Growth to Early Maturity

Growth to Early Maturity

Engine sourcing requires a combination of technical expertise and commercial awareness to generate a successful outcome for the customer.

Key to any engine investment or operation is understanding the importance of a strong OEM relationship and support programs. Induction of any new assets requires comprehensive understanding of each unique engine technology, maintenance synergies and long-term fleet planning dynamics.

Our Engine Services include: Deal team technical advisory, engine sourcing, OEM oversight and support agreement negotiation, delivery phase and entry into service support.

Maturity to Mid Life

Maturity to Mid-Life

Santos Dumont have a strong pedigree in mid-life asset management as this is the phase of highest activity and when key technical decisions are made regarding the future utility of the asset. During workscope planning and shop visit management activities value can be added or lost as each engine goes from first-run to mature phases of its lifecycle.

Santos Dumont's engine team come from a technical background but have established the value of true commercial understanding and implications of shop visit decisions. Transitioning engines, whether at end of lease or from seller to buyer is a key aspect of our engine teams activity. Key to this is a best in class documentation process and standard in terms of back-to-birth trace and engine pack production.

Our Engine Services include: Lease return condition review, maintenance event analysis, tabletop inspection, work scope review, MRO cost benchmarking, component sourcing, back-to-birth traceability, remarketing support, technical advisory.

Mid to End-of-Life

Mid to End-of-Life

An end of life asset requires a high level of technical and commercial management expertise to align an owners' divestment strategy against market demand. Key factors at this stage include operational efficiency, maintenance cost and fleet strategy.

In the event of remarketing or part-out, engine build profile, operational history, technical records management and maintenance shop visit history are vital to residual value realisation.

Our Engine Services include: Technical records oversight, technical management, shop visit management, tabletop review, technical advisory, EOL solutions, aftermarket management.

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